Monday, April 14, 2008


There is this boy....No actuallly there isn't. None of the boys in my grade seem to intrest me anymore. most of them are ugly. But there is Patrick. He is of the record cute. He is smart and polite. I can get into intense conversations with at times, but then there are times where we act like we don't know each other. It is frustrating because I know I like him but I don't want to. My friends all say he isn't my type. Do I even have a type?!Boys will be boys but he is different. He makes me feel bubbly. He give me this physical comfort that is really nice. Why do I like him? I just don't know why...I even had a dream that he and I were in the library kissing. *giggles*. We at the 4 shelf where my sister had her first kiss. But I had mine in the school park 3 years ago. It was so romantic. He was wearing a green shirt. My favorite color. It just makes me so happy. But then I worry about how people will feel if we started going out. So many girls like him, and I would create enemies. That is the last thing I want. I don't know what to do. if I tell him I like him there is no going back. If he says he doesn't like me what will I do. Sometimes rejection is hard. Then there is the question about if he says yes. I might scream in my head "yes". But what will I say to him. I am not so courageous. I think about him when I don't want to and when I do. On Friday I was daydreaming about my dream. I was missing part of my social studies lesson. Then out of the blue my teacher asked me a question about India. BUSTED. Unfotunately we were talking about Africa so when I answered ofcourse I was wrong. I was so embarassed. Even Patrick laughed at how stupid I felt.
Right now I want a Burrito so I am going to get something delivered. Toodels :)


Pat4ever said...

i wish you were my sister
the info you have about everything is so cool
you and giggles totally inspire me to make my blog the next best thing
you rock out loud converse girly
love your blog :) toodles dollface
ps. I hope you find the courage to ask out patrick
if you really like him you should go for it
take the chance live on the edge
your friends shouldn't stop you and neither should anyone else