Sunday, April 27, 2008


There are no words to describe how it felt. I saw Patrick at the manhattan mall today. It was a suprise. I was alone because Sierra totally ditched me because she had to get something at staples. I saw him in a toy store. At first i laughed becuase I didn't think it was him. I thought my smoothie was going to my freakin head. But it was him. In th flesh. He was looking at a transformer toy.I walked in with my jaw dropping to my chest. It was too funny. I ran up to him and hugged him. He smiled and hugged me back. One thing that is so cool about patrick is that his eyes change colors. They can be hazel and they can be a brownish color. Considering the fact we were the oldest people there(excluding the parents of the kids)I decided we should leave. I dragged him out of the store and we walked around the mall holding hands. When we sat down on a bench i let out a sigh to show that i was done walking. I forget exactly how it happened but i started to stare at how pretty his eyes were. THen somehow he kissed me. I will spare you the details, but it was nice....I'm not going to say i am in love. I just really like him. A blogger who i won't shout out said that he thinks it is a good idea to be open around people. Although it took us a while Patrick and I finally became open. And it isn't like he is my first kiss. But he is the best kisser I ever dated. O and there is this blogger who is really cool. I can't tell you her blogger name but her real name is Ally. And I want her to be happy. There is someone she really likes. someone she cares about. We should all be happy.


Ally said...

thanks babe. i'm so happy for u and ur pat. i'm workin on that happy part...

The Beauty Mum said...

Yay! Cool, I like the bit about his eyes. Nice eyes are important, no?!