Friday, August 29, 2008

That something

There is always that something that you want to do. Something spur of the moment fun. That sort of something. Maybe you want to try out for the swim team or become a gamer. It doesn't really matter what your big it thing is, as long as you stick with it. Maybe your at the beach and while no one is looking you want to climb the lifeguard chair and jump of, crashing into the warm sand. That something could even be a death defying stunt that only people in movies do. That type of something. Or it could be something not so dangerous like buying a lottery ticket. What if it was something mischievous. One time me and a couple of my friends broke my cousins vase and said it was my brother who did it. Today's something was a crazy something. I FINALLY KISSED LARRY. After all this time of crushing and flirting i finally took a step up. It was magicaly and to me death defying because... We were both sopping wet. Wierd right. We were wet because we were having a water fight with friends at the park. t all happened so fast. It was a wet romantic story. At least I think it was.
Lots of Blogging Love♥♥♥
especially to those who need

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Gateway

Sometimes new things can be a big change, or they can be a small change. Everyone has been through different changes. A change could be anything. A change of heart (not literally), a change of mind (again not literally), and some physical changes as well. Changes normally totally scare the crap out of me. Well only big changes sometimes do, unless i want the change. Sometimes I can't take them or something goes wrong. Now i think I've learned how to go through with changes and allow myself to change as well. My own special gateway that guides me though. When my parents got divorced i was only six and to young to understand. Things change good or bad. My gateway is pretty much my happy place. I don't meditate but i sit on my bed and imagine happy things. I call it my gateway because when i think of a happy place, for some reason i think of having to open a gate to get inside. I think there has to be an opening or something like that. That's just my imagination, which i love to think is a great thing. as a matter of fact I know my imagination is a great thing. :)

~Lots of Blogging Love~

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School...Is a drag

Don't you wish you had a button that could destroy anything with your command. I do. I wish I had one so I could destroy school. It wouldn't be important if people didn't think we had to be smart. We really don't if you think about it long and hard. We don't know everything and we still can survive with the basics that we have known since we were born. Why o why do we go to school. I'm now starting to question if school is even healthy for us. We tear ourselves apart because we are under pressure. The stress that we get is because we are being put under pressure by people who were once in our position. Teachers act like they don't know how we feel. They actually endure more stress than we do. It isn't fair to any of us. THEN WHY DO WE DO IT! Does anyone know the answer to this question. I think not a single person does. It is also funny how people blame the lack of work in school on TV. Didn't people who went to school create the TV and it shows. Duhh!!! We can't blame the tv or the devil for our own stupidity. Before I get to carried away (lol) I would like to say that this is all true. If you like school I am not judging you. You probably like school because you socialize with all your friends. I think that is the best part about school to be honest. Anyways have a great day!
Lots of Blogging Love♥♥ ;)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Frame

Everyone has a frame. A frame is like a personal border (no matter how big or how small). You can change your frame any way you want. It might not be easy. The only thing I wonder is how do you find your frame. I'm guessing that isn't easy at all. There is also the possibility that I already know what my frame is, I just don't understand it. If that makes any sense at all. i wish i didn't have to wonder about thses things either. It makes me so anxious to get to the bottom of somethings. I love knowing who, what, where , when, why, and how about almost anything. I don't know why either. I think it is just my thing. I think that is the easiest way to explain it. I guess that is also part of my frame. What is your frame???

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sorry! ☻

I made a mistake any comments u have about the post I just posted or anything else put them here until I make a new post please. Thnx....

Monday, August 18, 2008


I'm going to go crazy with my craving for heels. Here are pics that will blow your mind(probably not but they are cool). I don't wear heels all the time but when I wear them i love to look SEXY!!!
Lots of Blogging Love♥☻

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yikes!! I had a bad moment

I've had my "woops" moments. Everyone has them. Just the other day Melody and I went to the Statue of liberty. When you exit their are really steep wooden stairs. We were trying to be extra carefull (especially me cuz i wanted to be stupid and wear spicy red heals). All of a sudden Melody misses a step and stumbles. Thank goodness it was the last stair we had to go down. It could have been serious. I have had practice though. My grandmother is all about edicate so she always made me practice walking with flat objects on my head. I would have to walk like I was walking down a catwalk.
anyways we eventually laughed it off. I still was kinda worried about if she was ok or not. A lot of people saw her little incident. It wasn't major , but they thought it was hilarious. It really wasn't but who cares now.
I was a few hours ago fretting what I was going to do. The people from gap called saying that they wanted to do the shoot on September 25. That was the same day I have to take a special test afterschool so my english lit. teacher could see where i stand in his class. They wanted to set up the shoot for 3:45. I told them it was fine. Once I hung up the phone I was completely pissed. I had no idea what I was going to do. Then at 8:30pm they called saying they had to change the photoshoot to October 16. I was so happy. I didn't have to worry about a thing. *Fewww*. Total relief. Now I am more excited then I am angry I just have to figure out what day october 16 is... But it isn't an important day because my teacher didn't say anything about it.
~Lots of Blogging Love ♥♥♥

Saturday, August 9, 2008

express yourself ♥ in new ways

I love to express myself. I have discovered a new talent of mine. I can write. I have even started my own book. It is called "Saving the Moon". I have only typed about sixteen pages but it is really good. It is about a girl who is in love with the moon. She wants to know the secrets behind it. She wants to know why it glows with beauty and many other things. She keeps a diary about all these things that she wants to know, and what she believes in. I want to make it seem like the diary is kinda of like a blog. That way i can add some stuff that i write on my blog to make her life more realistic. I loooove writing so much. I still haven't decided what I want to be. I also love modeling though. I got a job for G.A.P., so expect to c me in ads for gap. My modeling job is probably what's keeping me from deciding. But it is like a passion to me. Everyone has a passion. A passion can be anything pretty much. You can have a passion for someone or something. Me, I have a passion for DeAnte and for modeling. I wish writing fit in there somewhere. And i know I can do it i just don't know how. Lots of blogging love. :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Confidence is Key

To do almost anything you must have confidence. You don't have to be daring our brave but you have to think about what options you have . You have to know the differrent paths. Confidence can be easy and it can be hard. Putting and orange in your mouth can show you have confidence. It shows you have the confidence to be goofy. Being gooofy can be fun. You don't need a lot of confidence to do it. Confidence is key wether you like it or not. In life confidence screams at us and tells us "use me in your life and i will make everything better". Now it might not make everything better, but it sure can help.
I was watching a show where a girl had to stand up to her parents. They had emotionally abused her. After her brother died they took it out on her. They did little things to brake her. They forced her to move into his bedroom full of mermories that hurt her because she missed him. She finally had then guts and the confidence to talk to someone who then helped her decide what was best for her. I don't mean to be all deep but confidence is "key".
Lots of blogging love!! xoxoxo

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The trees and what i its deep

I believe the trees are our ancestors. They guide us without us knowing it.
I believe the wind is the trees breath. They love to speak about many things.
I believe the trees can pass conversations. They talk all across the entire world.
I believe the ground is the trees lover. The ground supports the tree forever.
I believe the sky entertains the trees. The blue is enchanting.
I believe that the clouds secretly envie the trees for their connection with the sky. They try to block it when they can.
I believe that water is the trees best friend . Next in line to the ground.
That is how I feel. How do you feel???

Saturday, August 2, 2008

in hiding

Life can suck at various times. But for me that time is right now. I have been avoiding my summer work for a couple of weeks. I lied and said i had already started it. I have been lagging behind. School starts in sept. so i need to step my game up and fast. school isn't fun at all but if i want to suceed i have to do this stuff. We all have to go through it at some point. Anyways summer is coming to an end soon so i won't have to keep this hiding from my summer work.

Lots of blogging love :) ♥