Friday, July 11, 2008

Robyn is Rude

My little cousin is like 8 or something and she is like the devil's step daughter or something. Robyn Seniors is her name evil is her game. Before she got to the hotel i was playing with my baby cousin thomas. We were having fun without her. When she came she tried to seperate us in front of everyone. She was being rude and evil. I had about enough. I am much older and she needs to show respect to me. i didn't do anything to her at all. She needs to learn her manners sometime soon. She is gonna have problems in the future if she doesn't stop. Anyways i am typing to you from the Embassy Suites hotel in west palm beach demanding respect from my


Ally said...

thanx!!! ;P i'm taking it easy!!!

::beccaELECTROCUTE said...

ha! this sounds like my younger sister. she can be a pain sometimess!

yah wisconsin is pretty blah.
i don't think many people travel here, i certainly wouldn't.
we do have an ok zoo though, lol.
and a nice lake.

<3 becca.

♥♥CLAiiR3TH3ROCK3R♥♥ said...

I luv ur blog!
Btw, I see u like Vampire books.
I wrote a new thing on my blog about all of these AWESOME vampire books.


i'm more like me said...

i have like 50 cuzins and lucky 4 me i have 0 evil cuzins, some r the opposite of ur little devil's stepsister

akared said...

you say you like my blog but mine is extremely insignificant compared to yours. Yours is far superior than
how did you get your background?

Jen said...

your lucky your older than ur evil cousin! i had an evil cousin who would pull me out of my stroller by my hair because she wanted to ride in it. 1 time she even took a fishing string that u use for a fishing pole and wrapped it around my neck trying to choke me! Good luck dealing wit ur family!

Rose Valentine said...

Yeah some people just aren't very nice! You should talk to her about it. Ooh and I loove Embassy Suites. :)