Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Diva♥ of the Sunglasses

I love sunglasses. They protect me and give some edge to my look. Avaitors rock. I also have some leopard print glasses. I have a pair from apple bottom and i have a few others. I have worn all of them. I have about seven. I love♥the sun but it hurts my eyes so what am i supposed to do. My favorite pair would have to be my avaitors. They are a blue gray kind of color and they are what i call Stunna Shades. Next in line would have to be my leopard print ones. They don't go with everything i wear but they are a good look for me. What do you love about your glasses??


Rose Valentine said...

My sunglasses are huge on my face. I love them that way. :)

Ally said...

I LOVE SUNGLASSES!!!!! i have a million pairs but i only use like 2 of them which are like my aviators and some i think they are called butterfly shaped ones! but ur right- AVIATORS ARE THE BEST!!

Anonymous said...

sunglasses are so cool!!!!!!!!! mine are huge and I love them!!! I love your blog, its really interesting!!

i'm more like me said...

i havent been 2 ur blog in sooooooooooooooo long, its like id disapeared,
i have no sunglasses, and now i have no flip flops bcuz they broke :(

Jen said...

I can't wear sunglasses cuz I have regular glasses :( I have clip on magnetic sunglasses to go over my glasses, but they arent very cool, lol.

The Cool Commentator said...


Hope you are well, I am kind of back after a bit of a break!! I am going to try and take some time later to read over the new posts on your blog!!

Chapter Three - Part 2 is up on the blog now so if you have a minute, go and have a read! Would be great to know what you think!!

Look forward to hearing from you soon!