Friday, May 9, 2008

Take me there

Take me there. I wanna go there. Take me there. You know where. Just take me to that great place with wonders and everything.

I remember that song from the Rugrats. It is by Blackstreet and Mya. It is called take me there. It is kinda funny if you used to watch the rugrats. I used to. Anyways I just finished consuming my Dominos pizza. Ya I had about three slices. To be honest the spotlight of my day was pretty wierd. I spent my time afterschool helping my teachers with some of my friends. Then we spent time with our Lacross coach. Her office was fun to play in. Cierra, Nahtique, and I hung out in there for a while too. The thing I like about her is that she speaks "The Truth". That makes her perfect for my blog. I mean she fits the title perfectly. She even took my phone once. i still like her though. Trust me it is hard for me too do that because I love my phone and she took it from me.
Because Pat♥ is coming over soon I have to get ready. Or do i. I am sure he will love to see me in my pizza stained wifebeater and torn jeans. I think I should freshen up. Lmao!! Duhhh I should. One:Love:Peace Bloggers ☺


i'm more like me said...

ahhh i loved 2 watch that show, i remeber that in the movie they had watta watta bing bang
im gonna getcha
and i had a watch from mcdonalds that said a baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do
wow how lame :)

Ally said...

i can't believe u thought i drew that! i'm not that artistic! i like to think i am but i'm really not! ;)
how's ur boy?- he put his blog on lock ☺

i'm more like me said...

um the track meet feel 4 me is just hanging out waiting 4 my race
not freaking out when i almost miss my race
and getting yelled at by coach 4 being late